12V to 9V DC converter
Power circuits

12V to 9V DC converter

By Tony van Roon

Simple Car Converter for 12V to 9V.
12V to 9V DC converter circuit
12V to 9V DC converter circuit

Parts List:
R1 = 560 ohm
C1 = 1000uF/40V, Electrolytic
C2 = 10uF/25V, Electrolytic
C3 = 330nF, Ceramic
Z1 = 9.1V, 1watt zener
Q1 = ECG184, NTE184

To get a more precise output voltage, replace zener diode Z1 with 10V and R1 with a 1Kilo ohm potentiometer. A Coolrib for Q1 is optional but highly recommended. You can replace Q1 for a more robust type to get more output amps depending on your requirements. Simple circuit to power your 9 volt cassette recorder and other stuff.

4264 21 August 2007

See also:
