Electronic circuits categories
Audio amplifiers, preamplifiers, volume control and more...
Electronic devices for TV and video
Power Supplies, Ni -Cd Batteries Charger, Voltage Inverter and others..
FM and AM radio, FM Transmitter, Powerful AM transmitter and other RF circuits
Card programmers, adapters and other circuits with microcontrollers
PC based Frequency Meter, The Simplified I/O Interface, VGA to TV Scart...
Telephone amplifier, Smart Phone light, Conversation Recorder, Simple Phone Tap...
Digital Voltmeter, Capacitance Meter, IR Remote Control Tester, Transistor Tester...
Fire Alarm, Metal Detector, Police Siren, UltraSonic Radar, Door Alarm...
Voltage Controlled Oscillators, Waveform Generators and others oscillators and generators
Operational amplifier circuits and applications.
Schemstics that not included in other categories
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